
the "good" fire :: of purpose, engagement, shared experience and success. (this is our definition, the actual etymology is, well, different…)

We believe in Business WITH Life. We’re the strategists, creatives and doers standing behind the leaders building movements that build a new world.

In order to do that, we’re often faced with messy transitions, market change, leadership succession, or chaotic disruptions. We lovingly, and clearly, help leaders and businesses complete cycles, allowing old ways to be composted, so that new life may emerge.

If you are facing a transition point or pivot, entering a phase of rapid growth, or are currently in the midst of your own business tornado— we’d love to hear from you. It’s from these places that big disruptions can happen, which lead to innovation. From here, we can create anew, and we’re here for that.

Our Founders:

Ash Robinson


I’m the strategist standing behind many leaders who are doing their big work. I’m a mother of two, and deeply value my family life.

As an entrepreneur for most of my career, I spent most of my time creating and building, not consulting. I come from a family of entrepreneurs, and have personally worked in both product and service businesses across many industries, including early education, fitness, well-being, online education, brick and mortar, franchise sytems, and technology (software).

My experience is a unique blend of professional management and entrepreneurship in both private and public companies. In 2014, I co-founded bon-fire for business, an experiential education and consulting firm that leverages human design to bridge the gap between untapped talent potential and business performance. bon-fire is built on the idea that human beings are driven to create value, and that creating a path for harnessing talent and creating sustainable, thriving culture is the surest way to win in our networked age.

For the last 15 years, I have been a student of human design-- from my work in early education leading a team of hundreds to my own pursuit of optimal health and making a real difference in my work.  My passion and research in neuroscience, cognition, behavior change, and culture inform both the tools and approach we use in bon·fire.  I believe that your organization is actually a living system- highly adaptable, renewable, and self-organizing- which creates the possibility for a new level of both value creation and engagement with your vision and effective progress toward it.

Business can be a bridge— igniting the spark of the human spirit and providing the structure in which a committed group of people make a positive impact.  My passion is for bringing people around the bon·fire to achieve extraordinary personal and business performance. I believe we have to build the world we want to belong to.

Learn More About Ash->


Marycay durrant

MaryCay has 25 years’ experience empowering business performance with a proven paradigm of leadership that makes the extraordinary predictable. She weaves a unique blend of pragmatic business savvy with neuroscience-based “leadership in partnership” models that ignite business owners and professionals. Partnering with MaryCay, these professionals experience growth in their business and the pleasure of working effectively with individuals committed to being their best. Imagine the professional success of “performance beyond profits” and loving work life.


Learn more about MaryCay->